Within the Archives there are many collections of records as set out in the table below. A collection is a set of documents that are grouped together such as "P" which are documents pertaining to "Parishes".
To see more detailed information, click on the collection.
Collection | Collection description | Date | Records |
A | ‘A’ Series of Historical Documents | 1619-1829 | 1,586 |
AAC | Arts and Architecture Committee | 1995-2017 | 389 |
AP | Archbishops’ Papers: the administrative records of Archbishops Williams, Masterson and Grimshaw | 1929-1965 | 506 |
APD | Architectural Plans and Drawings | 1837-1990 | 163 |
B | ‘B’ Series of Historical Documents | 1830-1899 | 12,643 |
BCA | Birmingham Catholic Association | 1853-1865 | 4 |
BCCCS | Birmingham Catholic Cripples Care Society | 1903-1989 | 3 |
BCS | Besford Court School | 1912-1997 | 245 |
BCT | Birmingham Catholic Tramway and Busmen's Guild | 1932-1950s | 2 |
BRCFS | Birmingham Roman Catholic Friendly Society | 1795-1945 | 113 |
C | ‘C’ Series of Historical Documents | 1583-1829 | 2,772 |
CC | Convents and Women Religious | 1850-2011 | 469 |
CEA | Catholic Emigration Association | 1894-1987 | 2 |
CEG | Catholic Evidence Guild | 1921-1973 | 19 |
CF | Common (Clergy) Funds | 1684-1942 | 55 |
CFHS | Catholic Family History Society (Midlands Branch) | 1991-2007 | 5 |
CHAP | Cathedral Chapter of St Chad, Birmingham | 1852-1999 | 499 |
CL | Clergy Papers | 1797-2010 | 1,426 |
CRE | Birmingham Catholic Reunion | 1855-1939 | 1,043 |
CS | Church Students | 1943-1979 | 617 |
CTS | Catholic Truth Society (Birmingham Branch) | 1890-2000 | 10 |
CWL | Catholic Women’s League | 1910-2003 | 117 |
D | ‘D’ Series of Historical Documents | 1900-1929 | 5,599 |
DC | Deanery Papers | 1840-2005 | 114 |
DF | Diocesan Finance | 1817-2002 | 481 |
DP | Diocesan Papers | 1791-2009 | 109 |
E | ‘E’ Series of Historical Documents | 1884-1939 | 1,087 |
ED | Education Papers | 1838-2008 | 171 |
EP | Episcopal Papers | 1853-1995 | 91 |
FHD | Papers of Francis Harold Drinkwater | 1903-1997 | 929 |
FJG | Papers of Archbishop Francis Joseph Grimshaw | 1885-1965 | 581 |
GPD | Papers of Archbishop George Patrick Dwyer | 1928-1989 | 820 |
HCC | Historic Churches Committee | 1995- 2017 | 425 |
HCG | Papers of Hilda Charlotte Graef | 1843-1969 | 137 |
HFD | Papers of Henry Francis Davis | 1868-1985 | 371 |
JDC | Papers of James Dunlop Crichton | 1907-2001 | 632 |
JLL | Papers of John Ludlow Lopes | 1873-1961 | 141 |
MCM | Papers of Archbishop Couve de Murville | 1948-2007 | 3,853 |
MEW | Papers of Michael Edward Williams | 1922-2004 | 293 |
NDPS | National, Diocesan and Parish Statistics | 1921-2005 | 110 |
NS | Newman Singers | 1957-2001 | 29 |
OCA | Oscott College Archives | 1613-2007 | 5,697 |
OS | Oscotian Society | 1861-2001 | 322 |
P | Parish Records | 1657-2006 | 4,903 |
PB | Processes of Beatification | c.1845-2009 | 341 |
PC | Postcard Collection | c.1880-2000 | 1,011 |
PHD | Papal Honours and Decorations | 1965-1998 | 700 |
PV | Papal Visit to Britain, 1982 | 1980-1987 | 89 |
PVB | Papal Visit and Beatification, 2010 | 2009-2010 | 54 |
R | ‘R’ Series of Historical Documents | 1656-1899 | 2,061 |
RS | Rescue Society | 1872-c.1975 | 34 |
SC | Sedgley Park School and Cotton College | 1734-2005 | 3,314 |
SCHS | Staffordshire Catholic History Society | 1960-1995 | 4 |
SWC | St Wilfrid’s College, Cotton [Supplementary to SC] | 1886-1972 | 1,223 |
UCM | Union of Catholic Mothers (Archdiocesan Branch) | 1983-1996 | 51 |
WCHS | Worcestershire Catholic History Society | 1962-1995 | 7 |
WK | Papers of William Kelly | 1997-2017 | 89 |