The Catholic Archdicese of Birmingham Archives

Birmingham Archiocesan ArchivesThe Archdiocese of Birmingham Archives Index.


Please enter your search criteria below and press the search button.


When searching please note the following:

  • do not enter any accented characters or parentheses
  • for hyphenated words (e.g. Stoke-on-Trent) you may need to search for the phrase in both its hyphenated and non-hyphenated form
  • parish records - if you wish to see, for example, baptism records for a parish, then enter baptism in the search phrase and select the appropriate parish from the drop down list. Note that some parishes have retained their sacramental registers and will therefore not appear on the search results. A decision of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, endorsed by the Archbishop of Birmingham, places a 110-year closure period on all sacramental records. All our sacramental registers have been digitised and are available to view on the Find My Past website.
  • by selecting a parish only the records deposited by that parish will be displayed; note that records relating to the parish may be in other collections.
  • you may also select a collection. What is a collection?

Data version: 17/01/2025


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and a parish ?
and a collection?
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